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<meta itemprop="description" content="When Im working on Partridge and SAPIENTA, I find myself dealing with a lot of badly formatted XML. I used to manually run xmllint format against every file before opening it but that gets annoying very quickly (even if you have it saved in your bash history). So I decided to write a Nemo script that does it automatically for me.
#!/bin/sh for xmlfile in $NEMO_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS; do if [[ $xmlfile == *."><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2015-06-28T10:24:33&#43;00:00" />
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<meta property="og:description" content="When Im working on Partridge and SAPIENTA, I find myself dealing with a lot of badly formatted XML. I used to manually run xmllint format against every file before opening it but that gets annoying very quickly (even if you have it saved in your bash history). So I decided to write a Nemo script that does it automatically for me.
#!/bin/sh for xmlfile in $NEMO_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS; do if [[ $xmlfile == *." />
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="When Im working on Partridge and SAPIENTA, I find myself dealing with a lot of badly formatted XML. I used to manually run xmllint format against every file before opening it but that gets annoying very quickly (even if you have it saved in your bash history). So I decided to write a Nemo script that does it automatically for me.
#!/bin/sh for xmlfile in $NEMO_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS; do if [[ $xmlfile == *."/>
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<h1 class="title">Tidying up XML in one click</h1>
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<p>When Im working on Partridge and SAPIENTA, I find myself dealing with a lot of badly formatted XML. I used to manually run <em>xmllint format</em> against every file before opening it but that gets annoying very quickly (even if you have it saved in your bash history). So I decided to write a Nemo script that does it automatically for me.</p>
<pre lang="bash">#!/bin/sh
if [[ $xmlfile == *.xml ]]
xmllint --format $xmlfile > $xmlfile.tmp
rm $xmlfile
mv $xmlfile.tmp $xmlfile
<p>Pop that in a file called “Tidy XML” in your ~/.local/share/nemo/scripts directory and when you inspect files with Nemo it should appear in the right click menu.</p>
<div class="tags">
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<li><a href="/tags/processing">processing</a></li>
<li><a href="/tags/sapienta">sapienta</a></li>
<li><a href="/tags/tidy">tidy</a></li>
<li><a href="/tags/xml">xml</a></li>
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