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<meta itemprop="description" content="Here is a recording of my recent keynote talk on the power of Natural Language processing through Watson and my academic/PhD topic &#8211; Partridge &#8211; at York Doctoral Symposium. 0-11 minutes &#8211; history of mankind, invention and the acceleration of scientific progress (warming people to the idea that farming out your scientific reading to a computer is a much better idea than trying to read every paper written) 11-26 minutes &#8211; My personal academic work &#8211; scientific paper annotation and cognitive scientific research using NLP 26- 44 minutes &#8211; Watson &#8211; Jeopardy, MSK and Ecosystem 44 &#8211; 48 minutes Q&A on Watson and Partridge Please dont cringe too much at my technical explanation of Watson especially those of you who know much more about WEA and the original DeepQA setup than I do!"><meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2015-11-02T21:07:28&#43;00:00" />
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<meta property="og:description" content="Here is a recording of my recent keynote talk on the power of Natural Language processing through Watson and my academic/PhD topic &#8211; Partridge &#8211; at York Doctoral Symposium. 0-11 minutes &#8211; history of mankind, invention and the acceleration of scientific progress (warming people to the idea that farming out your scientific reading to a computer is a much better idea than trying to read every paper written) 11-26 minutes &#8211; My personal academic work &#8211; scientific paper annotation and cognitive scientific research using NLP 26- 44 minutes &#8211; Watson &#8211; Jeopardy, MSK and Ecosystem 44 &#8211; 48 minutes Q&A on Watson and Partridge Please dont cringe too much at my technical explanation of Watson especially those of you who know much more about WEA and the original DeepQA setup than I do!" />
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<meta name="twitter:description" content="Here is a recording of my recent keynote talk on the power of Natural Language processing through Watson and my academic/PhD topic &#8211; Partridge &#8211; at York Doctoral Symposium. 0-11 minutes &#8211; history of mankind, invention and the acceleration of scientific progress (warming people to the idea that farming out your scientific reading to a computer is a much better idea than trying to read every paper written) 11-26 minutes &#8211; My personal academic work &#8211; scientific paper annotation and cognitive scientific research using NLP 26- 44 minutes &#8211; Watson &#8211; Jeopardy, MSK and Ecosystem 44 &#8211; 48 minutes Q&A on Watson and Partridge Please dont cringe too much at my technical explanation of Watson especially those of you who know much more about WEA and the original DeepQA setup than I do!"/>
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<h1 class="title">Keynote at YDS 2015: Information Discovery, Partridge and Watson</h1>
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Here is a recording of my recent keynote talk on the power of Natural Language processing through Watson and my academic/PhD topic &#8211; Partridge &#8211; at York Doctoral Symposium.
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<li dir="ltr">
0-11 minutes &#8211; history of mankind, invention and the acceleration of scientific progress (warming people to the idea that farming out your scientific reading to a computer is a much better idea than trying to read every paper written)
<li dir="ltr">
11-26 minutes &#8211; My personal academic work &#8211; scientific paper annotation and cognitive scientific research using NLP
<li dir="ltr">
26- 44 minutes &#8211; Watson &#8211; Jeopardy, MSK and Ecosystem
<li dir="ltr">
44 &#8211; 48 minutes Q&A on Watson and Partridge
<p>Please dont cringe too much at my technical explanation of Watson especially those of you who know much more about WEA and the original DeepQA setup than I do! This was me after a few days of reading the original 2011 and 2012 papers and making copious notes!</p>
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(Equally please don&#8217;t cringe too much about my history of US Presidents @ 37:30- I got Roosevelt and Reagan mixed up in my head!)
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<li><a href="/tags/information">information</a></li>
<li><a href="/tags/papers">papers</a></li>
<li><a href="/tags/partridge">partridge</a></li>
<li><a href="/tags/retrieval">retrieval</a></li>
<li><a href="/tags/scientific">scientific</a></li>
<li><a href="/tags/watson">watson</a></li>
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