We've had a lovely couple of weeks in the sun but sadly all good things must come to an end and we've returned home to rain and negative temperatures. However there are always silver linings. We've missed the cats while we were away and being on a cruise is verifiably bad for my waist line. When I got home and stood on my smart scale it asked if I was sure I'm James as the change in weight was too large. Not great... As this holiday was so close to Christmas we have been putting off the formation of new healthy habits and a number of chores and Jobs that needed doing with we got back so now that we are back its time to crack on.
This week we visited Antigua and St Maarten and spent a couple of days out at sea before heading back home by plane via Barbados. The trip was , on-the-whole, very relating except for the travel at each end which is always a bit of a hassle.

**_During our visit to St Lucia on Sunday, we took a trip on a catamaran and stopped for a break near a beach. Here I am standing at the bow of the boat while it was anchored_**
When I've had internet access this last week I have been reading a few posts here and there via my [FreshRSS](https://www.freshrss.org/) instance and [FeedMe](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.seazon.feedme&hl=en_GB&gl=US) installed on my phone. I also recently discovered the Hoarder app and as of this week's release the single file integration (thanks selfhosted newsletter) which is a game changer for personal archiving. With the current situation in the US, it seems that building a personal archive of everything I find interesting and useful might be a good move. We can no longer take access to good information for granted.
I downloaded lots of TV shows to watch on the flights and while we were away but didn't actually get wound to watching much since the light out a couple of weeks ago. When we've had down time I've been entertaining myself by reading John Scalzi's Old Man's war books. I have read the first two in the seres so fun and really enjoyed them. They are fun, slightly cheesy fast-paced scifi with a touch of Sute, Just my bag! I have also been enjoying Dead Cells on my Switch which is perfect for diving into in a casual way without too much context switching. I have also been playing Red Dead Redemptuan 1 occasionally which is a much deeper narrative experience.
This week we are well and truly back to reality. Today we will be doing lots of washing and food planning for the week ahead. I will be making a couple of trips up to London and trying to get back up to speed at work.
I am planning to introduce some HIIT exercise to my routine to help shift the additional weight more quickly and to help with my fitness levels more generally but I'm not sure if that's a this week thing or if I should wait for the set by and the shock of being back to 'normal' to wear off first.