This week [I started my new job in Thomson Reuters' Labs team]( and I spent a couple of days up in London's canary wharf settling in and meeting my team which meant a few hours on the train. On both days trains ran relatively smoothly although on day 2 I was 20 minutes late getting to the office in the morning which meant I could claim 1/4 of my ticket back. As I mentioned in my earlier post, the team have been very welcoming and even presented me with some swag on the first day including a very smart TR Labs hoodie.

A lot of my week has been taken up with onboarding activities but I've also started building out an Obsidian vault for my work notes which is completely isolated to my work hardware and backed up using approved corporate cloud backup solutions. I've been taking quite a few hand-written notes and manually pulling them into obsidian after the fact. Something that a self-hosted version of [PenParse]( running on my company laptop would be great for. Unfortunately due to a mix up during onboarding I've been issued with a Dell laptop running Windows 11. I haven't used windows as my daily driver for at least 15 years at this point. It is every bit as frustrating as I remember it to be. I'd be fine with the laptop it if I could install Ubuntu but I don't think that would fly with the IT department. However, my manager has kindly agreed to look into getting me a Mac as soon as possible.
During my commutes, I've been using my Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 with a custom version of Lineage OS to watch tv shows on the way home. Unfortunately on Tuesday my tablet seemed to stop playing so I ended up buying myself a [Tab S9 FE]( which has a fair bit more RAM and runs modern android. My Tab S3 lasted a good 8 years so if I can get similar innings out of my new tablet I'll be pleased.
Mrs R and I have been trying to eat relatively healthily and we've been making heavy use of our slow cooker and "lazy" recipes that we can just throw in a pot and leave to stew or reheat in order to cheat ourselves into behaving and not ordering takeaways. This has been particularly challenging on days where I've been up in London but we have managed pretty well. I'm using [Mealie]( to manage recipes and generate food plans and shopping lists for the week.
We are also starting to prepare for a cruise holiday that I booked long before I knew I was switching jobs. This has involved trying on lots of clothes and realising that my tuxedo no longer fits. I'll have to nip out and buy one in the next couple of weeks before we go.
This week I've been continuing to read [Hunt the Stars]( and [Make Change That Lasts]( Whilst on the train home I've started watching [Black Doves]( with Kiera Knightly and Ben Wishaw which I've been thoroughly enjoying despite middling reviews from critics. I'm also still playing my way through [Rise of the Tomb Raider]( on the Steam Deck and I decided to reinstall Command & Conquer Remastered on my PC after I spent a couple of days listening to [the rather excellent soundtrack by Frank Klepacki and the Tiberian Sons]( this week.
This coming week I suspect I will spend more time bedding in and learning stuff at TR. I'll most likely be doing a couple of days a week from London most weeks. I'm also hoping to catch up with some of my friends and former colleagues from Filament over lunch in nearby Whiteley. We'll be continuing our holiday preparations and trying to keep some of our new habits going.