--- author: James date: 2015-11-02 21:07:28+00:00 post_meta: - date tags: - work - information extraction - partridge - sapienta - phd - watson title: 'Keynote at YDS 2015: Information Discovery, Partridge and Watson' type: posts url: /2015/11/02/keynote-at-yds-2015-information-discovery-partridge-and-watson/ ---
Here is a recording of my recent keynote talk on the power of Natural Language processing through Watson and my academic/PhD topic – Partridge – at York Doctoral Symposium.
  • 0-11 minutes – history of mankind, invention and the acceleration of scientific progress (warming people to the idea that farming out your scientific reading to a computer is a much better idea than trying to read every paper written)
  • 11-26 minutes – My personal academic work – scientific paper annotation and cognitive scientific research using NLP
  • 26- 44 minutes – Watson – Jeopardy, MSK and Ecosystem
  • 44 – 48 minutes Q&A on Watson and Partridge
  • Please don’t cringe too much at my technical explanation of Watson – especially those of you who know much more about WEA and the original DeepQA setup than I do! This was me after a few days of reading the original 2011 and 2012 papers and making copious notes!
    (Equally please don’t cringe too much about my history of US Presidents @ 37:30- I got Roosevelt and Reagan mixed up in my head!)