--- categories: - Personal date: '2023-11-05 17:43:31' draft: false tags: [] title: Weeknote CW 44 2023 type: posts ---

I spent two days up in London this week, attending various in-person meetings and I got to have lunch with my friends and former co-founders of Filament who span out to run EBM.

On Wednesday we were "locked down" for Storm Ciaran - our local council declared a Major Incident and encouraged people to stay at home. In the end, the storm wasn't that bad for us although it caused a lot of damage on the channel islands.

I ended up also catching a cold/flu from London so with the storm and feeling pretty bad, we decided not to visit Bournemouth to see Dawn French.

On our planned day off, we went out for lunch instead. We visited a local garden and craft centre with an amazing cafe and deli attached to it. They had christmas displays up and Mrs R talked me into spending a fortune on decorations. I also lost Whammagedon - on the 2nd of November!

I finally decided to make the move from Hugo to Wordpress - I wrote about it a bit here.

I also wrote about my experience of Aphantasia and had a few chats with people over on Substack Notes.

I finally finished Larry Niven's Ringworld. The sci-fi concepts were cool but it was really let down by a whole bunch of problematic treatment of women. I've moved on to Dredd: Year Three from a fiction POV and I've started reading Herbert Lui Creative Doing and MAKE by Pieter Levels on the non-fic pile.

This week my Dad and his wife are coming to visit us for a couple of days so I've got a little longer off work. I suspect I'll be up in London for some f2f meetings too. Then we've got a few weeks reprieve before christmas stuff starts kicking off.