--- title: "Search" sitemap: priority : 0.1 layout: "search" url: /search --- This file exists solely to respond to /search URL with the related `search` layout template. No content shown here is rendered, all content is based in the template layouts/page/search.html Setting a very low sitemap priority will tell search engines this is not important content. This implementation uses Fusejs, jquery and mark.js ## Initial setup Search depends on additional output content type of JSON in config.toml \``` [outputs] home = ["HTML", "JSON"] \``` ## Searching additional fileds To search additional fields defined in front matter, you must add it in 2 places. ### Edit layouts/_default/index.JSON This exposes the values in /index.json i.e. add `category` \``` ... "contents":{{ .Content | plainify | jsonify }} {{ if .Params.tags }}, "tags":{{ .Params.tags | jsonify }}{{end}}, "categories" : {{ .Params.categories | jsonify }}, ... \``` ### Edit fuse.js options to Search `static/js/search.js` \``` keys: [ "title", "contents", "tags", "categories" ] \```