date: '2022-12-16T08:54:47.583579'
- https://brid.gy/publish/mastodon
- /media/2022/12/16/1671180887_.jpg
- date
- personal
- humour
type: notes
url: /notes/2022/12/16/1671180887

<img src="/media/2022/12/16/1671180887_.jpg" alt="a guy checking out a girl captioned 'new project ideas and programming languages' whilst holding hands with his annoyed looking girlfriend captioned 'my phd corrections and existing side projects'" class="u-photo" /> 

Today is my last full day of work before christmas and my mind is already racing thinking about all the cool things I want to do over the holidays. My brain is always so curious and keen to try new stuff instead of focusing on my existing todo list. The struggle is real.