date: "2023-06-19T21:44:34.280750"
  - https://brid.gy/publish/mastodon
  - url: https://brainsteam.co.uk/media/2023/06/19/1687211074_0.jpg
    alt: a tiny mouse staring through the bars of a humane trap next to a large pile of peanut butter
  - date
  - personal
  - humour
thumbnail: https://brainsteam.co.uk/media/2023/06/19/1687211074_0.jpg
type: notes
url: /notes/2023/06/19/1687211074

Had a run in with this little guy this morning. He's been living in our garage eating bird seed out of a sack I bought for our bird feeders for a few weeks. I set up infrared cameras and humane traps and I've been watching him scurrying around cutely at night.we released him into a hedgerow next to a big field this morning and I'm kind of going to miss him.