--- date: '2022-11-26T09:20:24' hypothesis-meta: created: '2022-11-26T09:20:24.106910+00:00' document: title: - The IndieWeb for Everyone flagged: false group: __world__ hidden: false id: jrrh0G1rEe2SI2OlykvzjQ links: html: https://hypothes.is/a/jrrh0G1rEe2SI2OlykvzjQ incontext: https://hyp.is/jrrh0G1rEe2SI2OlykvzjQ/mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/ json: https://hypothes.is/api/annotations/jrrh0G1rEe2SI2OlykvzjQ permissions: admin: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is delete: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is read: - group:__world__ update: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is tags: - indieweb - micropub target: - selector: - endContainer: /div[2]/main[1]/article[1]/div[1]/p[22] endOffset: 147 startContainer: /div[2]/main[1]/article[1]/div[1]/p[22] startOffset: 0 type: RangeSelector - end: 4298 start: 4151 type: TextPositionSelector - exact: I love the IndieWeb and its tools, but it has always bothered me that at some point they basically require you to have a webdevelopment background. prefix: higher its barrier for adoption. suffix: How many of your non-tech friend type: TextQuoteSelector source: https://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/ text: Yeah this is definitely a concern and a major barrier for adoption at the moment. updated: '2022-11-26T09:20:24.106910+00:00' uri: https://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/ user: acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is user_info: display_name: James Ravenscroft in-reply-to: https://mxb.dev/blog/the-indieweb-for-everyone/ tags: - indieweb - micropub - hypothesis type: annotation url: /annotations/2022/11/26/1669454424 ---
I love the IndieWeb and its tools, but it has always bothered me that at some point they basically require you to have a webdevelopment background.
Yeah this is definitely a concern and a major barrier for adoption at the moment.