bookmark-of: https://ryanholiday.net/this-is-my-most-expensive-habit/?amp=1
date: '2024-12-15T06:45:27.670317'
- date
- anxiety
title: This is my most expensive habit
type: bookmarks
url: /bookmarks/2024/12/15/this-is-my-most-expensive-habit1734245127


I found this article via [Thought Shrapnel](https://thoughtshrapnel.com/2024/12/12/anxiety-as-an.html) but I really enjoyed it and related a little too hard.

Some quotes that particularly resonated:

>  *How often does the thing you were worried about actually happen? Sure, occasionally there are issues that come up. Occasionally, you miss the connection or the package arrives late. But far more often, the imagined disaster dissolves into nothing.*

> *But even with reminders, breaking free from anxiety is not easy. It traps you in a tunnel where emotions blur your thinking,*

> *“It’s not events that upset us but our opinions about them.”*

> *Anxiety is expensive—not just in terms of the mental toll, but in the way it costs us our lives. Every minute spent consumed by worry is a minute lost.*

I spent a lot of time worrying about things, rationalising about all of this stuff when you're not in "the tunnel" is easy but breaking out of this mindset is far from it.