--- date: '2022-11-20T16:47:28' hypothesis-meta: created: '2022-11-20T16:47:28.055472+00:00' document: title: - Rest in motion flagged: false group: __world__ hidden: false id: BJBM9mjzEe25nGNVhh66wA links: html: https://hypothes.is/a/BJBM9mjzEe25nGNVhh66wA incontext: https://hyp.is/BJBM9mjzEe25nGNVhh66wA/mindingourway.com/rest-in-motion/ json: https://hypothes.is/api/annotations/BJBM9mjzEe25nGNVhh66wA permissions: admin: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is delete: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is read: - group:__world__ update: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is tags: - productivity - mental health - resting target: - selector: - endContainer: /main[1]/article[1]/section[1]/p[4] endOffset: 394 startContainer: /main[1]/article[1]/section[1]/p[4] startOffset: 4 type: RangeSelector - end: 1546 start: 1156 type: TextPositionSelector - exact: the work that needs to be done is not a finite list of tasks, it is a neverending stream. Clothes are always getting worn down, food is always getting eaten, code is always in motion. The goal is not to finish all the work before you; for that is impossible. The goal is simply to move through the work. Instead of struggling to reach the end of the stream, simply focus on moving along it. prefix: 'est state and wear me down. But ' suffix: ' Advertisements and media often' type: TextQuoteSelector source: https://mindingourway.com/rest-in-motion/ text: 'This is true and worth remembering. It is very easy to fall into the mindset of "I''ll rest when I''m finished" ' updated: '2022-11-20T16:48:53.423785+00:00' uri: https://mindingourway.com/rest-in-motion/ user: acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is user_info: display_name: James Ravenscroft in-reply-to: https://mindingourway.com/rest-in-motion/ tags: - productivity - mental health - resting - hypothesis type: reply url: /replies/2022/11/20/1668962848 ---
the work that needs to be done is not a finite list of tasks, it is a neverending stream. Clothes are always getting worn down, food is always getting eaten, code is always in motion. The goal is not to finish all the work before you; for that is impossible. The goal is simply to move through the work. Instead of struggling to reach the end of the stream, simply focus on moving along it.
This is true and worth remembering. It is very easy to fall into the mindset of "I'll rest when I'm finished"