--- date: '2022-11-21T20:13:05' hypothesis-meta: created: '2022-11-21T20:13:05.556810+00:00' document: title: - IEEEtran-7.pdf flagged: false group: __world__ hidden: false id: 6KsbkmnYEe2Y3g9fobLUFA links: html: https://hypothes.is/a/6KsbkmnYEe2Y3g9fobLUFA incontext: https://hyp.is/6KsbkmnYEe2Y3g9fobLUFA/www.researchgate.net/profile/Lin-Gui-5/publication/342058196_Multi-Task_Learning_with_Mutual_Learning_for_Joint_Sentiment_Classification_and_Topic_Detection/links/5f96fd48458515b7cf9f3abd/Multi-Task-Learning-with-Mutual-Learning-for-Joint-Sentiment-Classification-and-Topic-Detection.pdf json: https://hypothes.is/api/annotations/6KsbkmnYEe2Y3g9fobLUFA permissions: admin: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is delete: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is read: - group:__world__ update: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is tags: - NLProc - topic modelling - neural networks target: - selector: - end: 11125 start: 10591 type: TextPositionSelector - exact: n recent years, the neural network based topic modelshave been proposed for many NLP tasks, such as infor-mation retrieval [11], aspect extraction [12] and sentimentclassification [13]. The basic idea is to construct a neuralnetwork which aims to approximate the topic-word distri-bution in probabilistic topic models. Additional constraints,such as incorporating prior distribution [14], enforcing di-versity among topics [15] or encouraging topic sparsity [16],have been explored for neural topic model learning andproved effective. prefix: ' word embeddings[8], [9], [10].I' suffix: ' However, most of these algorith' type: TextQuoteSelector source: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lin-Gui-5/publication/342058196_Multi-Task_Learning_with_Mutual_Learning_for_Joint_Sentiment_Classification_and_Topic_Detection/links/5f96fd48458515b7cf9f3abd/Multi-Task-Learning-with-Mutual-Learning-for-Joint-Sentiment-Classification-and-Topic-Detection.pdf text: "Neural topic models are often trained to mimic the behaviours of probabilistic\ \ topic models - I should come back and look at some of the works:\n\n* R. Das,\ \ M. Zaheer, and C. Dyer, \u201CGaussian LDA for topic models with word embeddings,\u201D\ \ \n* P. Xie, J. Zhu, and E. P. Xing, \u201CDiversity-promoting bayesian learning\ \ of latent variable models,\u201D\n * M. Peng, Q. Xie, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, X.\ \ Zhang, J. Huang, and G. Tian, \u201CNeural sparse topical coding,\u201D" updated: '2022-11-21T20:13:05.556810+00:00' uri: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lin-Gui-5/publication/342058196_Multi-Task_Learning_with_Mutual_Learning_for_Joint_Sentiment_Classification_and_Topic_Detection/links/5f96fd48458515b7cf9f3abd/Multi-Task-Learning-with-Mutual-Learning-for-Joint-Sentiment-Classification-and-Topic-Detection.pdf user: acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is user_info: display_name: James Ravenscroft in-reply-to: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lin-Gui-5/publication/342058196_Multi-Task_Learning_with_Mutual_Learning_for_Joint_Sentiment_Classification_and_Topic_Detection/links/5f96fd48458515b7cf9f3abd/Multi-Task-Learning-with-Mutual-Learning-for-Joint-Sentiment-Classification-and-Topic-Detection.pdf tags: - NLProc - topic modelling - neural networks - hypothesis type: reply url: /replies/2022/11/21/1669061585 ---
n recent years, the neural network based topic modelshave been proposed for many NLP tasks, such as infor-mation retrieval [11], aspect extraction [12] and sentimentclassification [13]. The basic idea is to construct a neuralnetwork which aims to approximate the topic-word distri-bution in probabilistic topic models. Additional constraints,such as incorporating prior distribution [14], enforcing di-versity among topics [15] or encouraging topic sparsity [16],have been explored for neural topic model learning andproved effective.
Neural topic models are often trained to mimic the behaviours of probabilistic topic models - I should come back and look at some of the works: * R. Das, M. Zaheer, and C. Dyer, “Gaussian LDA for topic models with word embeddings,” * P. Xie, J. Zhu, and E. P. Xing, “Diversity-promoting bayesian learning of latent variable models,” * M. Peng, Q. Xie, H. Wang, Y. Zhang, X. Zhang, J. Huang, and G. Tian, “Neural sparse topical coding,”