
The irregular mental expulsions of a PhD student and CTO of Filament, my views are my own and do not represent my employers in any way.

27 Nov 2016

We need to talk about push notifications (and why I stopped wearing my smartwatch)

I own a Pebble Steel which I got for Christmas a couple of years ago. I’ve been very happy with it so far. I can c...
23 Nov 2016

timetrack – a simple time tracking application for developers

I’ve written a small command line application for tracking my time on my PhD and other projects. We use Harvest at...
12 Nov 2016

The builder, the salesman and the property tycoon

A testament to marketers around the world is the myth that their AI platform X, Y or Z can solve all your problems with ...
05 Jun 2016

#BlackgangPi – a Raspberry Pi Hack at Blackgang Chine

I was very excited to be invited along with some other IBMers to the Blackgang Pi event run by Dr Lucy Rogers on a semi ...
29 May 2016

Cognitive Quality Assurance Pt 2: Performance Metrics

***EDIT: Hello readers, these articles are now 4 years old and many of the Watson services and APIs have moved or been ...