--- date: 2023-03-20 19:53:00+00:00 description: in which I ate too much, entered gremlin mode and upgraded mkdocs-material mp-syndicate-to: - https://brid.gy/publish/mastodon - https://brid.gy/publish/twitter post_meta: - date preview: /social/3d266f18de0c8a2356236114a08c0aac0360c4b0a3e1d2c89371002700b5dde5.png resources: - name: feature src: images/officelights.jpg tags: - personal title: Weeknote 11 2023 type: posts url: /2023/3/20/week-11 --- This week (or last week)'s weeknote is a touch late since I was travelling over the weekend. On Sunday it was Mother's Day in the UK so we visited my mum up in the midlands and then Mrs R's mum down here in Hampshire, having a sit down meal with both. It was a bit like [the bit in the Vicar of Dibley where she accidentally signs herself up for multiple christmas dinners on the same day](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aq3DNSF-jc). --- On tuesday we had a problem with our lighting in our office AND the water main near our office complex burst which meant we were sat in the office like gremlins in the dark and there were no toilet facilities. I decided to work from home for the rest of the week for reasons that were not unrelated. {{<figure src="images/officelights.jpg" caption="The office in this photo by <a href='https://unsplash.com/@sunday_digital?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText'>Nastuh Abootalebi</a> has lights unlike our office which does not.">}} - Now that I've got into the swing of using [foam](https://foambubble.github.io/) and [mkdocs](https://www.mkdocs.org/) to publish [my digital garden](https://notes.jamesravey.me/), I finally took the plunge and signed up as a [mkdocs-material insider](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/). I'm now sponsoring the good work of [squidfunk](https://fosstodon.org/@squidfunk) and also benefitting from some of the quality of life features that the insiders build of his theme provides including navigation breadcrumbs. - I've been looking for a new printer for a while since my 10 year old HP printer/scanner finally packed in on me just when I needed to print some important documents. I've heard horror stories about pretty much all inkjet printers and the word on the street seemed to be buy a laserjet if you can afford it and you don't print very frequently as the toner cartridges last forever and don't clog up the printer like an inkjet printer. I was undecided about which printer to get until I read [this review](https://www.theverge.com/23642073/best-printer-2023-brother-laser-wi-fi-its-fine) which absolutely nails it. It arrived today, I set it up and it prints stuff so - yey I guess! ## Next Week - (This week really - week 12) - I am in London towards the end of the week for a colleague's leaving get together and to hopefully hang out and get some face time with another colleague who is usually based up in Edinburgh. - Trying out some new physical-journal-and-markdown hybrid note-taking methodologies. - Hoping to have a quiet weekend at hope and get some housework and gardening done. ## Interesting Links - https://climatejets.org/ - really smart site that provides some insight into who is burning the most fuel flying around flippantly. - [this guy](https://twitter.com/miolini/status/1634982361757790209) - got Llama (a recent large language model) running on a Raspberry Pi. A couple of days later someone also got it running on a Pixel 5. Miniaturisation of this tech will help with its democratisation (which dillutes the power of the corporates who are pushing it so hard right now) and reduces the environmental impact of running it. - [OpenAI Is Now Everything It Promised Not to Be: Corporate, Closed-Source, and For-Profit](https://www.vice.com/en/article/5d3naz/openai-is-now-everything-it-promised-not-to-be-corporate-closed-source-and-for-profit)