date: '2022-11-21T06:37:23'
  created: '2022-11-21T06:37:23.130029+00:00'
    - Generating Agency Through Blogging
  flagged: false
  group: __world__
  hidden: false
  id: 9L5WKGlmEe2_Xs-Alhi35w
    html: https://hypothes.is/a/9L5WKGlmEe2_Xs-Alhi35w
    incontext: https://hyp.is/9L5WKGlmEe2_Xs-Alhi35w/tomcritchlow.com/2022/08/29/blogging-agency/
    json: https://hypothes.is/api/annotations/9L5WKGlmEe2_Xs-Alhi35w
    - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is
    - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is
    - group:__world__
    - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is
  - monetization
  - self-employed
  - selector:
    - endContainer: /div[1]/div[2]/p[6]
      endOffset: 136
      startContainer: /div[1]/div[2]/p[5]
      startOffset: 0
      type: RangeSelector
    - end: 2446
      start: 1954
      type: TextPositionSelector
    - exact: "I only know a handful of people directly making money from blogging\
        \ (via ads, subscriptions etc) but I know many more who:\n\n\n  Got a better\
        \ career because of blogging (new job, better pay etc)\n  Negotiated better\
        \ contracts (e.g. with a publisher or platform) because they had \u201Can\
        \ audience\u201D\n  Sold their own courses / ebooks / books / merchandise\
        \ / music\n\n\nBlogging is this kind of engine that opens up economic opportunity\
        \ and advantage. Being visible in the networked economy has real value."
      prefix: "unities than those that don\u2019t.\n\n"
      suffix: '

        Blogging as social opportunity'
      type: TextQuoteSelector
    source: https://tomcritchlow.com/2022/08/29/blogging-agency/
  text: 'Making money from blogging isn''t just about selling ads or subscriptions
    a direct thing. It can be indirect too. Eg selling courses or books. '
  updated: '2022-11-21T06:37:23.130029+00:00'
  uri: https://tomcritchlow.com/2022/08/29/blogging-agency/
  user: acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is
    display_name: James Ravenscroft
in-reply-to: https://tomcritchlow.com/2022/08/29/blogging-agency/
- monetization
- self-employed
- hypothesis
type: annotation
url: /annotation/2022/11/21/1669012643


 <blockquote>I only know a handful of people directly making money from blogging (via ads, subscriptions etc) but I know many more who:

  Got a better career because of blogging (new job, better pay etc)
  Negotiated better contracts (e.g. with a publisher or platform) because they had “an audience”
  Sold their own courses / ebooks / books / merchandise / music

Blogging is this kind of engine that opens up economic opportunity and advantage. Being visible in the networked economy has real value.</blockquote>Making money from blogging isn't just about selling ads or subscriptions a direct thing. It can be indirect too. Eg selling courses or books.