
The irregular mental expulsions of a PhD student and CTO of Filament, my views are my own and do not represent my employers in any way.

03 Aug 2017

Why I keep going back to Evernote

<div> As the CTO for a <a href="">London machine learning startup</a> and a <a href="https://www...
25 Jul 2017

Dialect Sensitive Topic Models

As part of my PhD I&#8217;m currently interested in topic models that can take into account the dialect of the writing. ...
05 Jun 2017

Exploring Web Archive Data – CDX Files

I have recently been working in partnership with [UK Web Archive][1] in order to identify and parse large amounts of his...
10 Dec 2016

timetrack improvements

I&#8217;ve just added a couple of improvements to timetrack that allow you to append to existing time recordings (either...
08 Dec 2016

AI can’t solve all our problems, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t intelligent

<figure id="attachment_150" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-150" style="width: 285px" class="wp-caption alignright"...