--- date: '2022-11-27T12:46:13' hypothesis-meta: created: '2022-11-27T12:46:13.123111+00:00' document: title: - 'Mapping the impact: Exploring the payback of arthritis research' flagged: false group: __world__ hidden: false id: ebKibm5REe2ShxtULMIpFw links: html: https://hypothes.is/a/ebKibm5REe2ShxtULMIpFw incontext: https://hyp.is/ebKibm5REe2ShxtULMIpFw/www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monographs/2009/RAND_MG862.pdf json: https://hypothes.is/api/annotations/ebKibm5REe2ShxtULMIpFw permissions: admin: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is delete: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is read: - group:__world__ update: - acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is tags: - scientometrics - academic impact target: - selector: - end: 46769 start: 46609 type: TextPositionSelector - exact: Much broad and shallow evaluation is based onbibliometrics (examining the quality of researchpublications) to assess the amount and quality ofknowledge produced prefix: ' from discovery to application).' suffix: ". For example, David King\u2019sThe S" type: TextQuoteSelector source: https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monographs/2009/RAND_MG862.pdf text: here the authors are discussing the fact that a lot of analysis/evaluation of research is done via bibliometrics (citation-based impact metrics) and they consider this kind of evaluation to be "broad and shallow" updated: '2022-11-27T12:46:13.123111+00:00' uri: https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monographs/2009/RAND_MG862.pdf user: acct:ravenscroftj@hypothes.is user_info: display_name: James Ravenscroft in-reply-to: https://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/monographs/2009/RAND_MG862.pdf tags: - scientometrics - academic impact - hypothesis type: annotation url: /annotations/2022/11/27/1669553173 ---
Much broad and shallow evaluation is based onbibliometrics (examining the quality of researchpublications) to assess the amount and quality ofknowledge produced
here the authors are discussing the fact that a lot of analysis/evaluation of research is done via bibliometrics (citation-based impact metrics) and they consider this kind of evaluation to be "broad and shallow"