
The irregular mental expulsions of a PhD student and CTO of Filament, my views are my own and do not represent my employers in any way.

22 Oct 2015

A week in Austin, TX – Watson Labs

At the beginning of the month, I was lucky enough to spend a month embedded in the Watson Labs team in Austin, TX. These...
30 Aug 2015

CUSP Challenge Week 2015

<figure id="attachment_23" aria-describedby="caption-attachment-23" style="width: 300px" class="wp-caption alignright">[...
15 Jul 2015

SSSplit Improvements

## Introduction As part of my continuing work on [Partridge][1], I&#8217;ve been working on improving the sentence spli...
28 Jun 2015

Bedford Place Vintage Festival

Last week a bunch of my lindyhop group went and performed at the Bedford Place Vintage Festival in Southampton &#8211; i...
28 Jun 2015

Tidying up XML in one click

When I&#8217;m working on Partridge and SAPIENTA, I find myself dealing with a lot of badly formatted XML. I used to man...