CW 44

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2024-09-08 15:00:57 +01:00
- Personal
date: '2023-11-05 17:43:31'
draft: false
tags: []
title: Weeknote CW 44 2023
type: posts
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<p>I spent two days up in London this week, attending various in-person meetings and I got to have lunch with my friends and former co-founders of Filament who span out to run <a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;">EBM</span></a>.</p>
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<p>On Wednesday we were "locked down" for Storm Ciaran - our local council declared a Major Incident and encouraged people to stay at home. In the end, the storm wasn't that bad for us although it caused a lot of damage on the channel islands.</p>
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<p>I ended up also catching a cold/flu from London so with the storm and feeling pretty bad, we decided not to visit Bournemouth to see Dawn French.</p>
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<p>On our planned day off, we went out for lunch instead. We visited <a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;">a local garden and craft centre</span></a> with an amazing cafe and deli attached to it. They had christmas displays up and Mrs R talked me into spending a fortune on decorations. I also lost <a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Whammagedon</span></a> - on the 2nd of November!</p>
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<p>I finally decided to make the move from Hugo to Wordpress -<span style="text-decoration: underline;"> <a href="">I wrote about it a bit here.</a></span></p>
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<p>I also wrote about my <a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;">experience of Aphantasia</span></a> and had a few chats with people over on <a href=""><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Substack Notes</span></a>.</p>
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<p>I finally finished Larry Niven's Ringworld. The sci-fi concepts were cool but it was really let down by a whole bunch of problematic treatment of women. I've moved on to Dredd: Year Three from a fiction POV and I've started reading Herbert Lui Creative Doing and MAKE by Pieter Levels on the non-fic pile.</p>
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<p>This week my Dad and his wife are coming to visit us for a couple of days so I've got a little longer off work. I suspect I'll be up in London for some f2f meetings too. Then we've got a few weeks reprieve before christmas stuff starts kicking off.</p>
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