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date: 2025-01-19 14:06:14+00:00
description: My weeknote for week 3 of 2025
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preview: /social/8e28a4b31af13c8c459a9802bb4b214733c0ceb43a99e0ab4c8bbc0aaca6bf3a.png
- weeknotes
title: Weeknotes 03/2025
type: posts
url: /2025/1/19/weeknotes-03
Week three of 2025 has already been and gone, time flies! This week was my 2nd at Thomson Reuters having [started last monday](https://brainsteam.co.uk/2025/1/12/weeknotes-02/). I'm starting to establish a pattern of working from the office on a Tuesday and a Thursday and from home the rest of the time. This means heading up to London on those days on the train.
On Tuesday I had a number of intro meetings with more folks in my new team. On Thursday I did more of the same but I also nipped out to meet a friend and mentee who had also just changed job roles for lunch in London Bridge. We went to Padella which I'd not tried before, my take was "a more hipster [Prezzo](https://www.prezzo.co.uk/)" but it was enjoyable. It was lovely to catch up with my friend for the first time since I left my job and wish them look starting their new job in a couple of weeks time.
I also had a meeting with the London-based director of TR Labs about helping to run an internal Unconference event this summer which I'm quite excited about. It should be a good opportunity to meet up with other disparate members of the company and do something a bit out of my comfort zone.
Train travel in the UK isn't always roses but I'm trying to adopt a stoic attitude towards inevitable delays and cancellations. My trip on Tuesday was pretty uneventful but getting home on Thursday turned out to be a little bit trickier. I was initially sat on a train going nowhere but I decided to get off, get some fresh air and something to eat and get the next available train and I went up to the mezzanine to take a photo of the crowds. My decision was vindicated when the train I had been sat on was cancelled and everyone else scurried off to figure out their options too.

During my work from home days this week I also met lots of my new teammates via zoom calls and continued with my onboarding and education stuff. On Wednesday I was able to nip out to meet up with some of my former colleagues for lunch. It was great to see everyone and to catch up. I've been doing a few odd jobs around the house and trying to chase down some gremlins in my home network that have made my powerline connection fairly unreliable. I tried moving my home server downstairs to sit next to the router but found the fan noise to be irritating in the living room and moved it back upstairs.
I'm still watching Black Doves on my commutes with 2 more episodes to run. I'm also continuing to slowly make my way through Z Nation which is a comfort watch and, in my humble opinion, much superior to The Walking Dead. I finished [Hunt the Stars](https://bookwyrm.social/book/427233/s/hunt-the-stars) on the train home on Thursday and started [They Knew - How a Culture of Conspiracy Keeps America Complacent](https://bookwyrm.social/book/501549/s/they-knew-how-a-culture-of-conspiracy-keeps-america-complacent) after reading [an essay by Sarah Kendzior](https://sarahkendzior.substack.com/p/the-end-of-days-inn) earlier in the week that introduced me to her writing. It's quite heavy going, so I also started [The Malevolent Seven](https://bookwyrm.social/book/1012338/s/the-malevolent-seven) at the same time for some light relief.
I've been quite busy settling into my new routine, meeting lots of people, new and old, and learning about lots of new systems that I'll be working with. Therefore, I've not really felt like doing any dev work in my spare time for the last couple of weeks. I've noticed a few new tickets being opened against my [FreshRSS FlareSolverr plugin](https://github.com/ravenscroftj/freshrss-flaresolverr-extension/issues) which I haven't had the brain capacity to really deal with. I also have some plans and ideas for improvements and extensions I'd like to make to this website too. For example, I am planning to add support for checking in to venues to this website so that I can keep a better record of different restaurants that I've visited.
## Next Week
Mrs R and I are starting to prepare for a holiday that we had booked for a long time (the timing isn't great considering I just started my new role, but my new manager has been very understanding). We're packing our bags, making sure the cats and cat sitter have enough food and supplies and generally preparing for our trip. I'll be popping into London on Tuesday where I hope to meet up with another old friend who I haven't seen for a while. I'm also preparing my tablet and kindle for some long flights and a couple of weeks without much internet access. |