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The Creator
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4 🎬 watched The Creator and gave it 4/5 /media/2023/10/06/16965739401696573940__0_.jpg watches /watches/2023/10/06/1696573940

We went to see The Creator last night. It was really interesting and surprisingly enjoyable. As a machine learning specialist, I struggle to suspend my disbelief when it comes to silly "AI is taking over the world" stories. Thankfully the film didn't really focus on that so much. It was kind of a sci-fi social commentary. The film was by Gareth Edwards who directed Rogue One - one of the better "new" Star Wars movies. It had a similar melancholy tone.

The thing I liked the most was the cinematography. There were some truly beautiful shots in the movie and the CGI/graphics were really amazing. Apparently the movie was shot for less than $90M which despite being a lot of money is a shoe-string budget in Hollywood these days.